
Officertool password
Officertool password

officertool password

If exist " %temp%\GetAdmin.vbs " del /f /q " %temp%\GetAdmin.vbs " If " %errorlevel% " NEQ "0 " (goto: UACPrompt) else (goto: GotAdmin)Įcho Requesting Administrative Privileges.Įcho Set UAC = CreateObject ^( "Shell.Application " ^) > " %temp%\GetAdmin.vbs "Įcho args = "ELEV " > " %temp%\GetAdmin.vbs "Įcho For Each strArg in WScript.Arguments > " %temp%\GetAdmin.vbs "Įcho args = args ^& UCase(strArg) ^& " " > " %temp%\GetAdmin.vbs "Įcho UAC.ShellExecute " %OfficeRToolname% ", args, " %OfficeRToolpath% ", "runas ", 1 > " %temp%\GetAdmin.vbs "Ĭmd /u /c type " %temp%\GetAdmin.vbs " > " %temp%\GetAdminUnicode.vbs "Ĭscript //nologo " %temp%\GetAdminUnicode.vbs " %1ĭel /f /q " %temp%\GetAdmin.vbs " > nul 2 >&1ĭel /f /q " %temp%\GetAdminUnicode.vbs " > nul 2 >&1 Set " pswindowtitle =$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = 'Administrator: OfficeRTool - 2019/June/08 -' " Set " OfficeRToolpath = %OfficeRToolpath:~ 0, -1% " My Instagram DMs Right Now #instagramdown /Q1N6No2Wg3Įveryone on Instagram/Facebook trying to work out if Instagram is down or if it’s just their router : #InstagramDown #facebookdown EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion Me staring into my message waiting for it to be sent not knowing Instagram is down #instagramdown /lNUemdNi0b People coming to Twitter to check whether Instagram is down again #instagramdown Instagram down again!!!? #instagramdown /1dAy51zTaJĮverybody opening Instagram realizing it’s down again #instagram #instagramdown /fg1yos88nm Me after spending 10 minutes switching between WiFi and data /8EH5zf8aKN Twitter striving while insta got clapped again #instagramdown /n4qDAcJXi5 Here’s how Twitter reacted to the fresh outage:

officertool password

The social media giant is yet to acknowledge the issue.Įarlier in October, Facebook suffered from one of its longest outages wherein its entire suite of apps and services including WhatsApp went offline for hours. Notably, this is the first such outage after Facebook announced its big corporate restructuring, changing its name to Meta.

officertool password

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Officertool password